Contact: Labor
The Contact page displays general contact information about the labor record. Fields can be updated as needed.
The following panes are displayed on the Labor Contact page:
Contact/Address Info: The Contact field contains the contact name for the labor record. This field is typically used when a labor record is a contracting company, and you want to list a specific contact at the company. The remaining fields include street Address, City, State, Zip code and Country.
Phone/Fax Info: The Home, Work, and Mobile phone numbers and Fax number for the labor record.
Email Info: The Email address for the labor record; this value is used whenever the system sends an email to the labor record.
Text Message Info: The SMS Email address or Other Phone number at which the labor record can receive text messages. The SMS email address is used when the system sends a text message to the labor record and should be populated with a 10 digit phone number and the carrier's gateway for this service. For example, [email protected]. You must use a carrier's MMS (Multi-Media Messaging Service) gateway to include pictures in the text message.
PDA Info: The PDA ID for the labor record, used in conjunction with the Assigned PDA User functionality on a work order.
Web Site Info: The URL for the labor record's website.